An Imam has been spotted by the roadside performing exorcism on a girl who was supposedly possessed by evil spirits.
chilling footage shows an apparent exorcism being performed on a girl
at the side of the road amid claims she was possessed by evil spirits.
young girl, who is 'being cleansed' in the ceremony, is snarling as a
man - identified as an imam -performs the ritual, which is intended to
drive out evil spirits.
The man is chanting over the girl as he sits cross-legged, dressed in white.
is wearing a full black veil with only her eyes visible, and reacts
violently to his words, which are a mixture of French and other
As well as rocking back and forth and fighting his hold on her arms, she is making snarling sounds beneath her veil.
She at one point stands and attempts to fight him, tossing her head and looking up.
In the background, some casually dressed young men watch as the drama unfolds, before the video abruptly ends.
to reports, the subject was one of 20 schoolgirls from Jean Lafosse
College in St Louis on the French Indian Ocean island of RĂ©union who had
been suffering from fits and screaming episodes.
The exorcism was
reportedly performed by someone named Imam Raquy in February 2016 on the
island, which has a Christian majority.
It's reportedly not clear whether the ceremony, which some have reported is Muslim, was successful.

Parents were concerned by the behaviour of the girls, but their college said it was unable to find anything wrong with them.
are spirits," a student mom told Imaz Press ."We often see spirits come
on people, but it's always in specific locations, in a temple for
example, but not outside. Here it's not normal."
But college
principal Gervais Fontaine told l'Independant : "Without anything
tangible, there is nothing that can be done medically."
Title :
Imam Caught On Camera Casting Out Evil Spirits From A Possessed Girl By The Roadside
Description : An Imam has been spotted by the roadside performing exorcism on a girl who was supposedly possessed by evil spirits. This chilling footage ...
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